Fenster schliessen


Dates: Fri 15:00-16:30 -- online via Zoom

Prof. Dr. Dietrich Bödeker
(bodeker AT physik.uni-bielefeld.de)
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Soeren Schlichting
(sschlichting AT physik.uni-bielefeld.de)

Scope: With this graduate level course we aim to provide an introduction to the current state of research regarding theory and phenomenology of thermalization of the early universe. We will focus on the central questions
What defines thermalization of the early universe and how is it achieved?
What observables (if any) are sensitive to the thermalization time and details of the process?

Format: Each session of the course will consist of a 45 min student presentations, introducing a relevant research paper, followed by an in depth discussion among the participants. During the Corona shutdown the session will be held remotely via Zoom, with login information provided to participants registered in the EKVV via e-mail.

Schedule: Below is a preliminary schedule, along with the list of topics to be assigned to the participants during the first organisational session along with relevant literature.

24.04.2020 -- 16:00

Organizational meeting




see https://www2.physik.uni-bielefeld.de/kosmologietag2020.html for details


15.05.2020 -- 15:00

Basics of Cosmology (D.Bödeker) -- Slides


22.05.2020 -- 15:00

Inflation (F.Klette) -- Slides

Chapter 11 of the book D.S.Gorbunov, V.A.Rubakov ,"Introduction to the theory of the early universe: Cosmological perturbations and inflationary theory"

Section 4 of K. Lozanov, "Lectures on Reheating after Inflation", arXiv:1907.04402

Supplemental reading: PDG Review on Inflation


29.05.2020 -- 15:00

Scalar, fermionic and gauge-field pre-heating (P.Singh) -- Slides

Section 3 of M. A. Amin et al. "Nonperturbative dynamics of reheating after inflation: a review", arXiv:1410.3808

Section 5 of and 7 K. Lozanov, "Lectures on Reheating after Inflation", arXiv:1907.04402

and references therein


05.06.2020 -- 15:00

Thermalization in scalar field theories (P.Plaschke) -- Slides

R.Micha, I.I.Tkachev, "Turbulent thermalization", arXiv:hep-ph/0403101

Sections 2,3 of Berges et al. "Basin of attraction for turbulent thermalization and the range of validity of classical-statistical simulations", arXiv:1312.5216


12.06.2020 -- 15:00

Thermalization in gauge theories (A.Klaus) -- Slides

Sections 1 & 2 of A.Kurkela, G.D.Moore, "Thermalization in Weakly Coupled Nonabelian Plasmas", arXiv:1107.5050

Chapters 3 & 4 of S.Schlichting, D.Teaney, "The first fm/c of Heavy-Ion Collisions", arXiv:1908.02113

A.Kurkela, E.Lu, "Approach to equilibrium in weakly coupled nonabelian plasmas", arXiv:1405.6318


19.06.2020 -- 15:00

Scenarios of reheating and inflaton decay (S.Ochsenfeld) -- Slides

D.Figueroa,T.Byrnes, The Standard Model Higgs as the origin of the hot Big Bang", arXiv:1604.03905


26.06.2020 -- 15:00

Scenarios of reheating and inflaton decay (I.Soudi) -- Slides

K.Harigaya, K.Mukaida, "Thermalization after/during Reheating", arXiv:1312.3097

K.Mukaida, M. Yamada, "Thermalization Process after Inflation and Effective Potential of Scalar Field", arXiv:1506.07661


03.07.2020 -- 15:00

Effects of reheating on expansion history (C.Werthmann) -- Slides

Section 7.1 in M. A. Amin et al. "Nonperturbative dynamics of reheating after inflation: a review", arXiv:1410.3808

Section 8.1 in K. Lozanov, "Lectures on Reheating after Inflation", arXiv:1907.04402

and references therein


10.07.2020 -- 15:00

Baryogenesis during thermalization (H.Roch) -- Slides

Chapter 11 of the book D.S.Gorbunov, V.A.Rubakov ,"Introduction to the Theory of the Early Universe : Hot big bang theory"

T.Asaka et al. "Late reheating, hadronic jets and baryogenesis", arXiv:hep-ph/0310100


17.07.2020 -- 15:00


Literature: We recommend the textbooks

"Introduction to the Theory of the Early Universe : Hot big bang theory", Valery A. Rubakov (Moscow, INR & Moscow State U.), Dmitry S. Gorbunov (Moscow, INR)


"Introduction to the theory of the early universe: Cosmological perturbations and inflationary theory" by Dmitry S. Gorbunov (Moscow, INR), Valery A. Rubakov (Moscow, INR & Moscow State U.)

as well as the review by

M. A. Amin et al. "Nonperturbative dynamics of reheating after inflation: a review", arXiv:1410.3808

and the lectures by

K. Lozanov, "Lectures on Reheating after Inflation" arXiv:1907.04402

as a general introduction and overview to the topic.